Saturday, 7 August 2010

i love lemons

Gin and tonic is my drink of choice, and lemon honey is my spread.. yum!
A friend had a tree laden with lemons so I stocked up and made a jar, then another then another.. here's how:

Lemon Honey
(Edmonds Cookbook)
50g butter
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup lemon juice
2 eggs, beaten
1 teaspoon finely grated lemon rind
Melt the butter in the top of a double boiler ( I place one pot inside a larger one and fill with hot water until the top pot's base is covered). Stir in sugar and lemon juice until sugar is dissolved. Add egss and lemon rind. Place over boiling water and cook, stirring all the time until the mixture thickens (alot of stirring and it can take quite a while.. like 15mins?). Pour into hot, clean, dry jars. Makes about 1medium size jar or 2 smaller jars.
I brought some old-school preserving cellophane and rubber band lids, which you place over the top while it's hot then add the sticker once the jar is cold. You can make cute fabric covers if you're giving it as a gift. Put in the fridge to set. EAT.

1 comment:

banban said...

Yum, I love lemon spread, wish I lived closer!